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Running the Pipeline

Nextflow is a command line tool can run on macOS and linux-based systems. At a minimum, users will want to specify where their data is stored and provide a minimum set of parameters to run core pipeline modules.

A basic example

Below is an example of how to run the pipeline setting only the most necessary parameters on an HPC.

nextflow run --readDIR /wynton/scratch/data/AAD1017 --refseq /wynton/share/reference.fasta --target v4 -profile sge,apptainer -config conf/custom.config

Notice how there some parameters have two hypens in front of their name (ie. --readDIR) and some only have one (ie. -config). The difference is because some parameters are pipeline-specific while others are defined by nextflow. Two hyphens (‘–’) indcate that the parameter is defined within the pipeline, and a single hypen (-) indicates that the parameter is nextflow defined.

The table below defines the each parameter above:

Parameter Description
readDIR This is where you will define the location of your sequencing data. It should be a folder that contains your forward (R1) and reverse (R2) fastq files.
refseq The refseq fasta file is used during postprocessing to map alleles to their appropriate loci. In addition, indels and snps are identified at this point.
target This is how to specify which amplicon table the pipeline should use. The amplicon tables are located under the resources folder of the repository
profile Specifies which runtime profile to use. See the [getting started] panel to learn more about profiles
config Config files are useful for setting resources for each module. More information about pipeline resources can be found below.

Pipeline resources

Each module should be assigned a specific amount of RAM, processors and execution time. There is no one size fits all per se, but a good strategy to begin is requesting more resources than you think you will need, and then reduce as needed.

There are multiple resource tiers defined in conf/base.config and each module is assigned one of these tiers. You may update these tiers if you wish to modify resources broadly. The resources are described as follows:

Resource Description
time The amount of time the process should use. After surpassing this time, the job will timeout.
cpus The number of cores to use. A core is a processing unit that executes commands in code. Cores are crucial for parallel processing.
penv The parallel environment to use. You will generally never need to change this value.
memory The amount of memory to use for the process

Below is a table of which modules are assigned to each tier:

Module Tier

If you would like override a specific module, we recommend updating the conf/custom.config file. This file is prepopulated with the DADA2_ANALYSIS module because this module tends to be updated the most. It also serves as a template to add other modules if required.

The file below has recommended settings for a dataset that is between 5 - 10 GB. When adjusting these numbers, a good strategy is to double or halve the of resources, depending if you are trying to increase or decrease resource allocation, respectively.

     EPPIcenter / mad4hatter Nextflow config file
          Custom config options for institutions

process {

    withName: 'DADA2_ANALYSIS' {
      time = '600m'
      cpus = 4
      penv = 'smp'
      memory = '16 GB'

executor {
  $sge {
      queueSize = 1000

executor {
  $local {
      queueSize = 1000

The executor settings may also be overwritten in this config file. The queueSize parameter is the maximum number of jobs that can be submitted at once, which we set to 1000. This parameter is useful to prevent the scheduler from becoming overloaded or to increase the number of modules that can run in parallel if running a large dataset.

This controls the number of jobs submitted, not threading within a module.


If an application is multithreaded, raising the number cores should decrease the amount of time a process takes. Increasing the number of cores can also increase the amount of memory used by the application, so settings may also need be tinkered with depending on the limitation of your hardware. Currently, DADA2_ANALYSIS and DADA2_POSTPROC are the only modules that are multithreaded.

Other workflows

Below are workflows that are useful for running specific modules of the pipeline.

QC Only

If you only want to run the QC module, you can use the following command:

nextflow run --readDIR /wynton/scratch/data/AAD1017 --target v4 -profile sge,apptainer -config conf/custom.config --QC_only

If you specify the --QC_only flag, this will just run the QC module. This may be useful if you want to understand your coverage before running the entire pipeline.

If you run this workflow, the only outputs you will see is your amplicon_coverage.txt, sample_coverage.txt and the quality report under quality_report/QCplots.html.

Postprocessing only

If you provide the dada2.clusters.txt file from a previous run using the --denoised_asvs flag, this will just run the postprocessing module. There is no need to supply a readDIR to run this workflow. You may want to run this workflow if you want to rerun the postprocessing module with different parameters. For example, you may want to run the postprocessing module with different allele masking parameters, or supply a different alignment threshold.

Below is an example of how to run just the postprocessing module:

nextflow run --denoised_asvs /wynton/scratch/results/raw_dada2_output/dada2.clusters.txt --target v4 -profile sge,apptainer

The output of this workflow is the allele_data.txt file.