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Resistance markers

This module can only be run with the v4 amplicon panel.

This module is designed to identify variants associated with drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum by utilizing the PseudoCIGAR string extracted from allele_data.txt. It works by examining mutations within specific genomic coordinates of interest outlined in (resistance_markers_amplicon_v4.txt). Any new indels or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that occur within these coordinates are reported.

In the case that there are multiple loci covering the same drug resistance marker being inspected these will be reported on separate lines. You can identify these as they will have the same GeneID, Gene, and CodonID, but will have different values in the locus column. In most cases we would expect the Codon and amino acid (AA) reported to be the same on both loci, however if you find divergence one option would be to take the one with the highest number of reads. Please reach out to the UCSF team if you have any questions about interpreting these files!

File Outputs

There are three files that output by this module:


This file contains all codons that are found in the ASV as specified by the genomic coordinates in the provided resistance marker table. The file summarizes what the 3-base sequence was in the sample, what was expected, and whether there was a synonomous or non-synomous amino acid change.

Column Description
SampleID The sample being reported
Locus The locus corresponding to the marker
GeneID A numeric identifier for the P. falciparum gene and gene position
Gene The name of the gene
CodonID The codon number
RefCodon The codon in the reference
Codon The codon in the ASV
CodonStart The codon start position
CodonRefAlt Can be ‘REF’ or ‘ALT’, depending on whether the ASV codon matches the reference codon (‘ALT’ if they do not match)
RefAA The amino acid coded by the RefCodon
AA The amino acid code by the Codon
AARefAlt Can be ‘REF’ or ‘ALT’, depending on whether the ASV amino acid matches the reference amino acid (‘ALT’ if they do not match)
Reads The number of reads that contain this Codon


This file provides the same information as the resistance marker table above, but it is more informative as it strings the mutations from each locus together into haplotypes.

Column Description
SampleID The sample being reported
Locus The locus corresponding to the marker
GeneID A numeric identifier for the P. falciparum gene and gene position
Gene The name of the gene
MicrohapIndex A collapsed verison of the ‘CodonID’ (see ‘resmarker_table.txt’). This will contain all codon IDs that are included in the microhaplotype.
RefMicrohap A collapsed version of the ‘Ref’ column that reports all reference amino acids in order by CodonID
Microhaplotype A collapsed version of the ‘Alt’ column that reports all ASV amino acids in order by CodonID
MicrohapRefAlt Can be ‘ALT’ or ‘REF’, depending on whether the ASV microhaplotype matches the reference microhaplotype (‘ALT’ if they do not match).
Reads Number of reads that have the Microhaplotype.


This file contains DNA mutations that were not within the specified genomic coordinates. The indels and SNPs here are listed in this file to allow end users an opportunity to see other mutations found. They should be interpreted with some caution as they are simply reported and not filtered in any way.

Column Description
SampleID The sample being reported
Locus The locus corresponding to the marker
GeneID A numeric identifier for the P. falciparum gene and gene position
Gene The name of the gene
CodonID The codon number
Position The position in the reference sequence where the indel or SNP was found
Alt The DNA base found at the position in the ASV
Ref The DNA base found at the position in the reference sequence
Reads The number of reads that support the Alt base