Getting Started
There are three ways to download or access the wgs nextflow pipeline:
1. Clone the Repository from GitHub:
You can clone the repository to your local machine using Git. Use the following command:
git clone
2. Copy from Wynton:
If you have access to the Wynton server, you can copy the pipeline files directly. Use the following command to copy the files to your desired location:
cp /wynton/home/eppicenter/shared/WGS_pipeline_nextflow /path/to/destination
Replace /path/to/destination with your desired local path.
3. Point to the Repository on Wynton:
If you are running the pipeline directly on Wynton, you can simply point to the repository’s location without copying the files. This allows you to access and execute the pipeline directly from the server.
Reference Genome Files
There are reference genome files which are required for running the wgs nextflow pipeline.
If you clone the wgs nextflow pipeline repository from Github, you will need to separately download the reference genome files.
You can copy these reference genome files from /wynton/home/eppicenter/shared/WGS_pipeline_nextflow/refs/genomes
Please store the genomes
directory inside refs
Pipeline Overview
: WGS workflownextflow.config
: config fileworkflows
: QC
: GVCF sub-workflow
: file used to build nf-wgs-dsl2.sifDockerfile
: file for building docker imagebase.config
: base config fileenvs
: conda envs (under construction 🚧)
: reference files used by bothQC_workflow
: folder containing trimmomatic adapter filesgenomes
: reference genome files and morerun_quality_report.Rmd
: r script for quality report used inQC_workflow
Software Dependencies
The wgs nextflow pipeline uses nextflow and will need to be installed prior to using the pipeline. Information about how to install and use the command line tool can be found on their website. The tool is also available from other package managers such as conda if you would like an alternative installation pathway.
Nextflow requires the Java 11 (or higher) Runtime Environment.