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QC Workflow Output

The QC workflow --inputdir is a directory of fastq files.

After running the Pipeline the outputdir will have the following output:

  • execution_report.html: nextflow execution report
  • execution_timeline.html: nextflow timeline
  • execution_trace.txt: nextflow trace
  • final_bams: for each sample we will have the following files
    • sample_dup_metrics.txt: metrics file
    • sample.sorted.dup.bam: the mapped cleaned and sorted bam file
    • the final pf bam file
    • index for pf bam file (this file is need if later running PathWeaver)
    • index for pf bam file
  • final_qc_reports: contains summary report files for all samples
    • Bam_stats_hs_Final.tsv: stats for human bams
    • Bam_stats_pf_Final.tsv: stats for pf bams
    • Bam_stats_total_Final.tsv: stats for both pf and human bams
    • InsertSize_Final.tsv: insert size information for all samples
    • multiqc_report.html: multiqc/fastqc reports for all samples
    • Ratios_hs_pf_reads.tsv: table of ratios of human to pf reads
    • ReadCoverage_final.tsv: table of read coverage for each sample and chromosome
    • run_quality_report.html: a .Rmd script output summarizing run quality
  • histograms: for each sample we will have the following files
    • sample_histo.pdf: histogram intermediate file output
  • insert_size_metrics: for each sample we will have the following files
    • S3_WGS-batchC_4051126659-ST136_S5.insert2.txt: insert size output
    • S3_WGS-batchC_4051126659-ST136_S5.insert.txt: insert size raw output

GVCF Workflow Output

The GVCF workflow --inputdir is the directory final_bams which is an output of the QC workflow. Most important are the and files.

After running the Pipeline the outputdir will have the following structure:

  • chr1: for each sample we will have the following files*
    • sample.chr1.g.vcf
    • sample.chr1.g.vcf.idx
    • sample.chr1_log.txt
  • chr11: *
  • chr12: *
  • chr13: *
  • chr14: *
  • chr2: *
  • chr3: *
  • chr4: *
  • chr5: *
  • chr6: *
  • chr7: *
  • chr8: *
  • chr9: *
  • chr14: *
  • execution_report.html: nextflow execution report
  • execution_timeline.html: nextflow timeline
  • execution_trace.txt: nextflow trace