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Modifying Parameters

Pipeline specific parameters can be found in nextflow.config

Retuired Parameters Description
inputdir The folder that contains the input files (default ‘data’)
outputdir The folder where you want the resulting data to be saved (default ‘results/results’)
Optional Parameters Description
qc_only If enabled, only QC workflow is run (default ‘false’)
gvcf_only If enabled, only gVCF workflow is run (default ‘false’)
trim_adapter The adapter used for initial trimming of reads (default ‘NexteraPE-custom.fa’)

Some common nextflow parameters

Nextflow Parameters Description
-profile allows you to select a specific configuration profile defined in your Nextflow configuration files
-work-dir specifies the directory where Nextflow will store intermediate files and results
-config allows you to specify an additional configuration file

Notice how there some parameters have two hypens in front of their name (ie. --inputdir) and some only have one (ie. -profile). The difference is because some parameters are pipeline-specific while others are defined by nextflow. Two hyphens (‘–’) indcate that the parameter is defined within the pipeline, and a single hypen (-) indicates that the parameter is nextflow defined.


Below is an example of how you may use the above parameters on the command line:

Running QC Only with different trim adapters (default is a custom Nextera adapter) by adding –qc_only and –trim_adapter parameters as well as nextflow -workdir parameter

nextflow run \
-work-dir path/work \
-profile sge,apptainer \
--inputdir path/input_directory_fastq \
--outputdir path/output_directory \
--trim_adapter path/adapters/TruSeq2-PE.fa 
--qc_only true