Running Wynton Job
Due to the size of wgs files. It is recommended to run the pipeline as a SGE wynton job.
You can refer to any of the example job scripts:
- (shown below)
Note: If you set up the pipeline as option3 (Point to the Repository on Wynton), it is important to define a suitable -work-dir
#!/bin/bash # the shell language when run outside of the job scheduler
# # lines starting with #$ is an instruction to the job scheduler
#$ -S /bin/bash # the shell language when run via the job scheduler [IMPORTANT]
#$ -cwd # job should run in the current working directory
#$ -j y # STDERR and STDOUT should be joined
#$ -l mem_free=16G # job requires up to 16 GiB of RAM per slot
#$ -l scratch=60G # job requires up to 20 GiB of local /scratch space
#$ -l h_rt=120:00:00 # job requires up to 24 hours of runtime
#$ -r n # if job crashes, it should be restarted
## End-of-job summary, if running as a job
[[ -n "$JOB_ID" ]] && qstat -j "$JOB_ID"
# This is useful for debugging and usage purposes,
# e.g. "did my job exceed its memory request?
module load CBI miniconda3/23.5.2-0-py311 #wynton
conda activate nextflow_env #optional
# Make sure to modify Paths!
# Nextflow pipeline stored in shared drive
nextflow run /wynton/home/eppicenter/shared/WGS_pipeline_nextflow/ \
-profile sge,apptainer \
-work-dir $WORKDIR \
--inputdir $INPUT \
--outputdir $OUTPUT
exit 0