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Provides estimates of relatedness between a pair of samples along with an optional support curve and inference.


  rhat = TRUE,
  pval = FALSE,
  confreg = FALSE,
  llik = FALSE,
  maxllik = FALSE,
  rnull = 0,
  alpha = 0.05,
  equalr = FALSE,
  mnewton = NULL,
  freqlog = FALSE,
  nr = 1000,
  reval = NULL,
  tol = NULL,
  logr = NULL,
  neval = NULL,
  inull = NULL,
  nloc = NULL



a list of length two containing data for a pair of samples.


a vector containing complexity of infection for each sample.


a list of allele frequencies. Each element of the list corresponds to a locus.


the number of related pairs of strains.

rhat, pval, confreg, llik, maxllik

logical values specifying if relatedness estimate, p-value, confidence region, log-likelihood for a range of \(r\) values, and maximum log-likelihood should be returned.


a null value of relatedness parameter for hypothesis testing (needed if pval = TRUE).


significance level for a 1 - α confidence region.


a logical value. If TRUE, the same level of relatedness is assumed for M pairs of strains (r1 = ... = rM).


a logical value. If TRUE, Newton's method, adapted for a bounded parameter space, will be used to find MLE. Ignored (set to FALSE) if M > 1, confreg = TRUE, or llik = TRUE.


a logical value indicating if afreq is on the log scale.


an integer specifying precision of the estimate: resolution of a grid of parameter values ([0, 1] divided into nr equal intervals), over which the likelihood will be calculated. Ignored if non-null reval is provided.


a matrix representing a grid of (r1, ..., rM) combinations, over which the likelihood will be calculated. Each column is a single combination.


tolerance for calculating an estimate if mnewton = TRUE. Set to 1/nr if not provided.


a list as returned by logReval with logs of reval and other quantities.


the number of relatedness values/combinations to evaluate over.


an index of the value/column of reval that is closest to rnull.


the number of loci.


A named list if multiple output logical values are TRUE - or a vector if only rhat = TRUE or llik = TRUE. Depending on these logical values, the following quantities are included:

  • If rhat = TRUE, a relatedness estimate (a vector of length 1 if equalr = TRUE or of length M if equalr = FALSE);

  • If pval = TRUE, a p-value;

  • If confreg = TRUE, relatedness parameter values from the grid reval that are within 1 - α confidence region;

  • If llik = TRUE, log-likelihood values for relatedness parameter grid (provided in reval or determined by nr);

  • If maxllik = TRUE, maximum log-likelihood.


Handling of irregular cases:

  • Allele with population frequency of 0 is present: locus is skipped (does not contribute any information).

  • Number of unique alleles at a locus is greater than COI: COI will be increased for that locus only.

See also

ibdEstM for estimating the number of related pairs of strains and ibdDat for processing multi-sample data.


coi   <- getCOI(dsmp, lrank = 2)
afreq <- calcAfreq(dsmp, coi, tol = 1e-5)

# two samples
ipair <- c(21, 17)
pair <- dsmp[ipair]
coip <-  coi[ipair]
M    <- 2

res1 <- ibdPair(pair, coip, afreq, M = M, confreg = TRUE, alpha = 0.05,
                equalr = FALSE, reval = revals[[M]])
res2 <- ibdPair(pair, coip, afreq, M = M, llik = TRUE,
                equalr = TRUE, reval = revals[[1]])
#> [1] 0.31 1.00
rep(res2$rhat, M)
#> [1] 0.673 0.673

# plot confidence region
creg <- cbind(res1$confreg, res1$confreg[2:1, ])
plot(creg[1, ], creg[2, ], xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), pch = 15,
     cex = 0.6, col = "cadetblue3", xlab = expression(hat(r)[1]),
     ylab = expression(hat(r)[2]))
points(res1$rhat, rev(res1$rhat), pch = 16)

# plot log-likelihood
plot(revals[[1]], res2$llik, type = "l", xlab = "r", ylab = "log-likelihood")

ipair <- c(41, 50)
pair <- dsmp[ipair]
coip <-  coi[ipair]

# rtotal at different values of M with and without equality constraint
Mmax <- min(coip)
for (M in 1:Mmax) {
  print(paste0("M = ", M))
  print(c(sum(ibdPair(pair, coip, afreq, M = M, pval = FALSE,
                      equalr = FALSE, reval = revals[[M]])),
          ibdPair(pair, coip, afreq, M = M, pval = FALSE, equalr = TRUE)*M))
#> [1] "M = 1"
#> [1] 0.2794297 0.2794297
#> [1] "M = 2"
#> [1] 0.320 0.316
#> [1] "M = 3"
#> [1] 0.330 0.327
#> [1] "M = 4"
#> [1] 0.360 0.332

# M = 1
# log-likelihood for specific r values
ibdPair(pair, coip, afreq, M = 1, rhat = FALSE, pval = FALSE, llik = TRUE,
        reval = c(0, 0.15, 0.38, 1))
#> [1] -480.7956 -480.2514 -480.1957      -Inf
# grid vs Newton's method
  ibdPair(pair, coip, afreq, M = 1, mnewton = TRUE,  tol = 1e-5))
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   0.002   0.000   0.002 
  ibdPair(pair, coip, afreq, M = 1, mnewton = FALSE, nr  = 1e5))
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   0.133   0.000   0.134