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Estimates the number of related pairs of strains between two infections along with corresponding relatedness estimates and optional inference.


  Mmax = 6,
  pval = FALSE,
  confreg = FALSE,
  llik = FALSE,
  rnull = 0,
  alpha = 0.05,
  equalr = FALSE,
  freqlog = FALSE,
  nrs = c(1000, 100, 32, 16, 12, 10),
  revals = NULL,
  tol0 = 1e-09,
  logrs = NULL,
  nevals = NULL,
  nloc = NULL



a list of length two containing data for a pair of samples.


a vector containing complexity of infection for each sample.


a list of allele frequencies. Each element of the list corresponds to a locus.


a maximum number of related pairs of strains to evaluate over. If greater than min(coi), will be set to min(coi).

pval, confreg, llik

logical values specifying if p-value, confidence region, and log-likelihood for a range of \(r\) values should be returned.


a null value of relatedness parameter for hypothesis testing (needed if pval = TRUE).


significance level for a 1 - α confidence region.


a logical value. If TRUE, the same level of relatedness is assumed for M pairs of strains (r1 = ... = rM).


a logical value indicating if afreq is on the log scale.


an integer vector where i'th element correspons to M = i and indicates precision of the estimate (resolution of a grid of parameter values). Ignored if non-null revals is provided.


a list where i'th element corresponds to M = i and is a matrix representing a grid of parameter values (a matrix where each column represents a single (r1, ..., rM) combination).


a tolerance value for an estimate to be considered zero.


a list where i'th element corresponds to M = i and is a list as returned by logReval.


a vector where i'th element corresponds to M = i and provides the number of relatedness values/combinations to evaluate over.


the number of loci.


A named list if multiple output logical values are TRUE - or a vector if only rhat = TRUE. The output includes:

  • a relatedness estimate (numeric vector of length corresponding to the estimated number of related pairs);

  • a p-value if pval = TRUE;

  • parameter values from the grid in revals that are within the confidence region if confreg = TRUE;

  • log-likelihood values for the parameter grid in revals if llik = TRUE.

See also

ibdPair for estimates of relatedness between two samples and ibdDat for pairwise relatedness estimates within a dataset or between two datasets.


coi   <- getCOI(dsmp, lrank = 2)           # estimate COI
afreq <- calcAfreq(dsmp, coi, tol = 1e-5)  # estimate allele frequencies

# two samples
ipair <- c(21, 17)
# for higher COI: c(33, 5): COI = 5-6; c(37, 20): 4-3, c(41, 50): 5-4

Mmax  <- min(coi[ipair])
# choose resolution of the grid for different M
nrs   <- c(1e3, 1e2, 32, 16, 12, 10)[1:Mmax]
revals <- mapply(generateReval, 1:Mmax, nr = nrs)

(res1 <- ibdEstM(dsmp[ipair], coi[ipair], afreq, Mmax = Mmax, equalr = FALSE,
                 reval = revals))
#> [1] 0.31 1.00
(res2 <- ibdEstM(dsmp[ipair], coi[ipair], afreq, Mmax = Mmax, equalr = TRUE))
#> [1] 0.673 0.673
# number of related pairs of strains (M')
sum(res1 > 0)
#> [1] 2
sum(res2 > 0)  # can be 0's
#> [1] 2